Taking our story from 2 Kings 7:3-7, there were 4 lepers sat at the city gates who were famished and said among themselves, be it whether they stayed in the same place or go back into the city they’ll still die from hunger- all hope was lost at this point. However, they made the decision to take a step out and go to the enemy camp to find food knowing that they might not come back alive.
They knew that they had to make a move, they had to take the first step despite all odds being against them, they had the “if I perish, I perish mentality” Esther had (Esther 4:16). And behold, as they approached the enemy camp, God made their steps sound like those of a large army with horses, causing the Aramean army to panic and flee.
Most at times, all God needs from us is just to take the first step despite the fear, anxiety and comfortability. So, we need to trust in God more than our fears, infirmities, and lost hope. Proverbs 20:24 says “The Lord directs our steps, so why try to understand everything along the way?”. You don’t always need to understand or know what comes next, you just need to say “Lord where you go, I’ll go, and when you move, I’ll move”. Finally, remember that for God to direct your steps, you need to take the first step, cause how will he direct your steps, if there are no steps to be directed?